Saturday 9 July 2011

Child Victims of Crime, Pride Park, 8th July 2011

The 99th was asked by a colleague of mine at work to help out at a dinner at Pride Park, Derby the home of The Rams to raise funds for a charity called Child Victims of Crime.  The event turned out to be a gentlemen only evening and was organised by the Sandiacre Cricket Club. 

There was only me, Jim and Craig at this event so I didn't get to take many photos but this was one of the strangest events I have done to date.  We were asked to make our appearance after the rather merry guests had had their soup and collect £2 donations that they had made to play bingo.  Its fair to say that some of the guests didn't really know what they were paying for as they had already had one or three drinks and/or weren't listening to their host and were slightly bemused that their monies were being taken off them by Stormtroopers!

Anyway, we then went back into our little guests room and were then asked to come back and collect more money after the main course... this time £5 a piece for the raffle.  Guests were asked to write their name on the £5 notes and these then formed the raffle tickets!

This took us until about 9:00pm and then we got changed [I had the unfortunate experience of a couple of the drunken male guests walking into the ladies whilst I was getting changed!!!] and the Craigster took some photos of me and Jim that he wants to play around with on Photoshop before we departed and got back to base about 10:45pm.

Although a strange night we managed to collect £1300 on one night so not bad going really!!