Monday, 24 September 2012

The 99th Garrison attends the Spaceport Heroes and Villains Weekend - 22nd - 23rd Sept 2012

 The 99th Garrison was asked to attend a themed weekend at the Spaceport Centre on the Wirral.  This wasn't a charity fundraising event but was a publicity/promotional event for the Spaceport Centre.

This event wasn't a Star Wars themed event but a general Heroes and Villains weekend but as it was based at a Space Centre, a few star wars characters fitted in quite well.  So, there was me, Paul [Tie Figher Pilot], Grant Commander Cody], Jim [Crew], Colin [|Kick Ass], Eric [Crew] and Danielle{hit Girl] and other charcaters such as Captain America, Wonderwoman, Batman, The penguin, Spiderman and Catwoman and others!  

This was an early start for me as I was doing Memah at this event and needed to be ready for 10:00am.  It was a 2 hour drive!  I was the first to arrive though and was quickly shown through to our changing room for the day.

There was only a small number of the 99th at this event due to its style/theme and the fact that we had another large event on the 22nd Sept at the Sage in Newcastle Upon Tyne where we put up a very, very impressive turn out indeed!

The first floor of the Spacecentre is heavily aimed at children and is based on A Grand Day Out for Wallace and Gromit.. and I just had to have my photo taken with these two wonderful characters!

It was a fairly cold day outside the venue so I spent most of it indoors keeping warm and posing for photos with the kiddies.  

It was a good day and soon time to go home but boy..... did my feet ache!!!

Thanks to Don't Panic and The Spacecentre for inviting us.  Great to see Paul, Jim, Colin, Eric, Grant and to meet Colin's daughter Danielle.

Monday, 17 September 2012

99th Garrison supports the MS Society

The 99th Garrison was asked to support the Burnley Branch of the MS Society at an evening's Fundraising event at the Oaks Hotel.

We were asked to do meet and greet as the guests arrived.  I had decided to do Memah for this one and that meant being there early... in my case, 5:30pm.

There was no Craigster for this one so it was straight to the venue.  On arrival we were shown to our rooms for the night and I took over the bathroom to do the transformation!  Ken only lived locally to the venue and brought his Rolls Royce to the hotel to show us.  It is in its mid thirties and was in a bit of state when he bought it but he had given it a lot of TLC and it is now lovely and available for weddings!  Well done Ken!  Jim for a short ride in it with Ken but I had to go and get ready!

I was ready by 6:45 and ready for the first guests to arrive at 7:00pm.  We posed for photos at a £1 a go and even to to pose with Brian Rose - British Light Middleweight Champion and to hold his [very heavy] belt!

We were finished by 8:45pm and then de-kitted [and in my case de-blued] before having some very nice bacon butties that had been supplied for us.  

We then set off for the long journey home not getting back until 11:30 pm.

Thanks to Jim, Ken, James and Grant and to Emma for inviting us along!.

And thanks to Gary Bates for taking the photos! :-)